If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you’ll recognize the topic of knowing your why. It’s a foundational wisdom I share in Ready, Vet, Go. But, it’s also important to understand that whys can change and evolve along with our lives, interests, and needs. Recognizing and adjusting to such changes can ensure you stay on track toward your goals and experience a rewarding professional journey.
My evolving why
My why was a bit atypical from the start. As a child, I didn’t want to be a veterinarian because I loved animals. I wanted to be a veterinarian because our family vet was a kind and caring presence in our lives. I wanted to fill that role for someone else and connect with people in a similar way.
In vet school, I held tightly to my vision of becoming a general practitioner and that idea of connecting with others. Despite encouragement to pursue a specialty, my clear sense of my why helped me stay pleasantly persistent about my path.
Then, as a general practitioner, mentoring fellow veterinarians arose out of a practical need and ultimately became the inspiration for Ready, Vet, Go.
Now, as I step into a new year, I have taken on roles as a speaker, thought leader, and book editor. While my original why remains largely intact—I still want to connect with others and be a supportive presence—how I fulfill it has evolved in exciting and surprising ways. Now, I care for and connect with not only clients but vet students, new grads, mentees, my employees, my colleagues, and the industry at large. With each of these evolutions, I’ve kept my why as a guiding light. By doing so, I’ve been able to adjust my plans and steps to keep myself on track and meet each new challenge while staying true to my values and what’s important to me.
Your turn: Look back to move forward
The new year is a great time to revisit your why. Alternatively, consider a memorable anniversary such as your vet school graduation or your first day as a veterinarian. The process doesn’t need to be complicated or analytical. It may be better if it’s not. Your why is always a bit intuitive, so let your gut be your guide—at least this once. Try having a conversation about your why with your mentor or a trusted colleague. If you need a little structure, consider journaling or a self-assessment form. Use questions to guide your reflections, such as:
- Which key life events or realizations influenced your original why?
- What personal growth, challenges, or new experiences have impacted you since then?
- Have you experienced any shift in your motivations or priorities (personal or professional)?
- Do your present goals align with your core values? (This question will ensure you continue to find meaning and satisfaction in your work.)
If you notice a disconnect between your original why and your current interests or priorities, it’s time to take a closer look.
Living your why: Gauging career satisfaction and alignment
After you’ve considered the bigger picture, take a granular look at your why on a day-to-day level. This includes:
- Determining if your current work contributes to your evolving why — If you’ve developed a growing interest in ultrasonography or orthopedic surgery, are you able to practice consistently and improve your skills? Would another position or practice provide greater opportunities?
- Being honest about your sense of fulfillment and satisfaction — Are you excited to go to work most days? Although it can be difficult to accept, we can fall out of love with certain aspects of our careers. Staying humble and honest with yourself can help you course-correct to a more rewarding path.
- Recognizing whether your daily decisions and actions are informed by your why — In our profession, it’s easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday practice. Take a moment to consider if your daily choices are focused on your larger goal or if you’re on autopilot. Refocusing on your why can help you get back to the joy you first felt when you became a veterinarian.
Course correct: Use your why to shape the next phase of your career
Once you’ve determined the need for change or clearly defined your new why, it’s time to make a plan. Consider the ways you could close the gaps between your why and your current actions. Practical ways to use your why as a guiding light over the next twelve months or longer include:
- Applying your new CE budget strategically — A new year means a new CE allowance. Consider how you can make the most of your budget with a course or experience that compliments your why.
- Staying open to new opportunities — Opportunities don’t always look like we expect them to. Pay attention and be receptive to new or unfamiliar experiences.
- Seeking mentorship — Professionals who specialize in your area of interest can act as guides to support your journey.
- Expanding your network — Attend conferences, join local meetups, and participate in online groups to connect with professionals who share your values and goals.
- Growing your leadership skills — The ability to lead a team is immensely valuable, no matter where your path takes you.
- Adjusting your work-life balance — If personal priorities, interests, or health are compromised by your current work, make the necessary decisions to restore balance and well-being.
Whether you’re a new graduate or an experienced veterinarian with decades of experience, revisiting your why is a great way to check in on your personal and professional well-being. Recognizing and adapting to change as a normal and natural part of your career will help you experience greater success and satisfaction as you stay attuned to your wants, needs, and goals. I hope following your why—in all its evolutions—brings you as many exciting and unexpected opportunities as it has for me!
Ready, Vet, Go Veterinary Mentorship is an innovative online program and community that helps new and early career veterinarians build confidence, gain independence, and experience greater joy. Visit our FAQ page to learn more about what we offer or get in touch with our team.